
Institute of Transport Administration

Educating Transport Management since 1944



IoTA Patrons (The Institute of Transport Administration Patrons)


The Institute’s Patron scheme has been designed to encourage companies and businesses, which wish to exhibit a commitment to high standards and continuing best practice within the industry, to demonstrate their commitment to these exacting standards by association with ‘the Institute’.

The scheme has been introduced in order to accommodate these ‘firms’ and Institute members who wish to share in the Institute’s resources in pursuit of their own commitment to observe best practice.

IoTA Patronage is by way of invitation only and is offered annually with successful Patrons enjoying the following benefits:

  • The right to include the Institute logo on their stationery, website, emails, packaging and vehicles in accordance with Institute guidelines. The Institute logo will be available in a prescribed electronic media format; Additional vehicle decals will be available for purchase in various sizes;
  • A ‘Presentation Certificate’ (for display) in each year that they maintain their Patron status;.
  • Free advertising space on the Institute website to enable promotion of their services and a facility to share in reciprocal web-links;
  • Free advertising within most Institute publications, including the Institute Information Pack and the Institute annual journal;
  • The ability to show their association with a professional transport Institute;
  • Access to industry professionals: local centre involvement and networking; the Institute’s professional trainers, consortium, and service providers.
  • Discounted Income Protection Plus Cover (financial support during illness) through PG Mutual (
Who Can Join

The Scheme, whilst by invitation, is open to any organisation which can exhibit, to the Institute’s satisfaction, a ‘mission statement’ that confirms active commitment to fair competition, safety in the workplace and customer satisfaction. It is also open to Institute Members who wish to demonstrate similar commitment where they hold an appropriate management position within their employer’s organisation

Annual Costs

Membership of the scheme attracts an annual fee determined by the National Council of the Institute. Prices are on a sliding scale dependent on the number of employees within the organisation.
Patrons will be invited to renew their subscription three months prior to the expiry of each term with payment being required 30 days prior to its expiry:

Condition of Membership

The post-nominal ‘Patron’ does not confer voting rights on the organisation. These are specifically reserved for individual Institute Members holding corporate grades. Neither does it infer any degree of accreditation of the Patron’s organisation by the Institute.

Where, by their acts or omissions, it is felt that association with the Patron is prejudicial to the Institute – e.g. if the Patron goes into liquidation – the Institute reserves the right to withdraw the certificate at any time. In these instances all references to the Patron would be removed from the Institute’s documentation, advertising material, etc.

The Institute is pleased to recognise the following companies as Patrons:



Founded in 2005 in Chester by John Dyne, DSL is a niche practice specialising in transport and environmental law. It is one of a small number of UK law firms with specialist experience in transport law and is recognised in the prestigious Legal 500 listings. DSL prides itself on being pragmatic, proactive, approachable and commercially minded and it will service every transport compliance need of the modern haulier.

All Enquiries:  Tel. 0044 1829 773100

The White House, Tattenhall, Chester CH3 9PX


AJR Distribution Consultants Ltd

 AJR Distribution Consultants ltd provide goods and passenger transport consultancy and training services and computerised tachograph analysis for both analogue and digital data. AJR Ltd specialise in system analysis and implementation to achieving compliance of your transport fleet, furthermore they also offer public inquiry assistance.                                                                                     AJR Ltd also provide on site driver CPC training anywhere within the UK.                                                                          


Tel:  07717000174

54 Somerset Avenue, Baildon, West Yorkshire  BD17 5LS


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Pieter Smit 1.png


Pieter Smit founded his company in 1978 with just one vehicle.  He combined his passion for live entertainment with strong business acumen to grow his budding enterprise into a global player and the European market leader in his specialist field.

Pieter Smit specialises in the transportation, assembly and technical realisation of theatre productions, pop & rock, live entertainment and sporting events throughout Europe.  By efficiently combining these specialist skills, Pieter Smit occupies a niche position in the market.  Powered by decades of experience, we have become one of the leading transport providers for the entertainment industry in Europe.  The Netherlands.


Pesetaweg 44., 2153 PJ., Nieuw-Vennep


Telephone: +31(0) 252673005




Pauline Hayter Consultancy has provided consulting services, compliance advice and training to the road transport industry for over 30 years. 

They work with operators from the road haulage and passenger industries to ensure continued compliance to regulatory expectations.


Tel:   07436 564725

Haven View, Wharf Road, Fobbing, Essex SS17 9JL



 Professional Transport Services

Founded in 1991, PTS has a renowned reputation throughout the UK for providing sound, reliable advice and training to the road transport industry.

From operator licence application and alteration, regular delivery of Transport  Refresher and Operator Licence Awareness Courses, conducting Systems Compliance Audits with full report to OTC standards, compliance advice and support for operators across the country. 

PTS will also provide Public Inquiry advice and support for operators, and similarly for drivers called to a Conduct Hearing.

They work throughout the UK to provide assistance and support to ensure compliance with the O licence undertakings and expectations of regulatory authorities is fully understood and maintained. 



Tel:  01945 781328              M: 07956 359484

Omnibus House, 32A Church Road, Walpole St Peter, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire PE14 7NS


 Truck UK Limited

Truck UK is an independent company specialising in the provision of road transport industry best practice compliance assessments and audits; digital and analogue tachograph records processing and analysis - utilising the tachomaster software system; 'in-house' goods vehicle operator management and driver training, as well as a whole host of other services and supplies, desgined to assist and/or improve goods vehicle operator licence holder compliance.

Freephone:   0800 644 87 87                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              E:


Truck (UK) Limited, The PGR Group Building, Nene Valley Business Park, Oundle, Peterborough PE8 4HN
