
Institute of Transport Administration

Educating Transport Management since 1944


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DVSA Vehicle Approval Services - COVID Plan B

24 Dec 2021

 On 8 December 2021, the Government confirmed that England will move to COVID Plan B following the rapid spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.

DVSA will continue to provide assessors to conduct vehicle approval examinations and will contact you if our service provision is affected and this will impact on your appointment(s).

Face coverings are now a legal requirement in many indoor settings. DVSA colleagues are advised to continue to adhere to the rules of the site they are working in, which may include wearing face coverings during contact with members of the public, unless they are exempt.  

Presenting your vehicle for examination                                                                                                   Please continue to follow the guidance on DVSA application forms and appointment letters before presenting your vehicle for examination.

You can find the latest government advice on how to stay safe and help prevent the spread on GOV.UK.

Getting an appointment                                                                                                                                 DVSA know that some customers are currently experiencing delays in getting through to their Contact Centre. If you have been unable to make a payment for your outstanding application, you can now email us at:

Please include “Test Request” and your TAS application number in the subject line of your email so we can identify it as a payment enquiry.

One of the Contact Centre colleagues will call you as soon as possible to take the required payment and book your appointment.

Further updates

DVSA will continue to keep the situation under review in line with Government guidance and contact you if this will impact on your appointment(s).

Thank you

Every action you can take to help reduce the spread will help reduce pressure on the NHS during the winter months.